Devotion to God the Father
As Communicated to Mother Eugenia Ravasio

It is alleged that there was a manifestation of God the Father to a Catholic Religious Sister Mother Eugenia, in Grenoble France, on two occasions in 1932: The first is said to have occurred on 1st July, and the second on 12th August.
Who is Mother Eugenia?
Mother Eugenia was born in San Gervasio d’Adda (now Capriato San Gervasio), Bergamo, Italy, on 4th September 1907. She was one of eight children. She was bedridden and unable to speak up until the age of 4. Our Lady appeared to her and she was completely cured. Despite only having one year of formal schooling she was able to enter the the Congregation of Our Lady of the Apostles at the age of 20 in October 1927. She was 24 when God the Father appeared to her. Three years after the alleged manifestation in 1932, she was elected Superior General of the Congregation at the age of just 27 on 7th August 1935.
The fruits of the grace of the message and her unity to the Father were immediately manifest. She was head of the congregation for 12 years and in that time opened over 70 centres in remote Africa and Asia, and Europe. It was she who discovered the First medicine for the cure of leprosy, extracting it from the seed of a tropical plant. Yet, in all of these and other incredible achievements she never sought any acclamation from anyone and was pleased to see others acknowledged before her. There are many testimonies of how she exuded holiness and there were miraculous healings that occurred through her intercession whilst she was alive and also following her death on August 10th 1990.
What is the Purpose of the Message?
According to the message given to Mother Eugenia, the Father was motivated to intervene last century in an attempt to banish excessive fear of God in the hearts of men. The message claims that excessive fear keeps men away from God. In the message God the Father makes this insightful statement:
"Believe Me, if you had begun to honour Me with a special devotion from the times of the early Church, after twenty centuries few men would remain living in idolatry, in paganism and in so many false and evil sects, in which man is running blindly towards the abyss of eternal fire! And see how much work remains to be done! My hour has come! I must be known, loved and honoured by men, so that, having created them, I can be their Father, then their Saviour and finally the object of their eternal delight."
The inference is that if a special devotion to the Father is established then the Church will obtain a wonderful new period of effective evangelisation. Thus the message calls for a special, and perhaps even urgent consideration from both members of the Church and the Bishops as well.
What in Essence Does the Devotion Consist off?
Outwardly this special devotion consists of 2 main aspects:
1. A Special icon of God the Father as a visible and tangible reminder of the Father's love for us.
2. The celebration of a special Feast in honour of God the Father on either 7th August or the First Sunday of August, according to the wishes of the Bishops in respective regions.
The object of these and indeed the whole of the message is for the faithful to have the Father in the centre of one's life as the source and goal of an intense love, and to allow this experience of love to transform the life of the devotee.
Prayers by Mother Eugenia
There are several prayers composed by Mother Eugenia and many people profit from them. However, they are not formally part or central to the message of the Father. These prayers are nevertheless a beautiful legacy and fruit of the deep spirituality of Mother Eugenia, which so many people enjoy reciting and sharing with others. Her novena prayer to God the Father in particular is reported to have obtained so many special favours and graces from the Father.
The Father Himself did not give any special new prayers directly, but asks rather that our whole life and the whole of our prayer life be transformed by an intense experience of His incredible love for us, and that He should become the primary focus of our lives, in and through Our Lord Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son.
A Consideration of the Devotion
Many of us indeed experience the devotion to God the Father as a precious and beautiful gift of God to the church. It gives us such rich insights into Our Father's love for us; How he is reaching out to us wanting an intimate relationship with us. We will explain why it is worthy of belief. So many people experience it as life transforming and of enormous assistance in the spiritual life. There are a few people who have questions about particular aspects of the devotion and these will be addressed.
We would like however, to see these questions as a grace, as an opportunity with God's grace to dispel misconceptions and to explain why this beautiful message is indeed worthy not only of belief, but also acceptance, incorporation into one's prayer life, and dissemination. We have gone to this trouble as our personal testimony to the power and beauty of this devotion, that, at its heart, is aimed and has the potential, to bring us to a closer unity with the Father.
You will not find on this website any attempts at fundraising, or of selling anything to anyone. Our only motivation is love of the Father and bringing others to what we firmly believe to be a wonderful grace for the Church and we want all the glory to be for Our Heavenly Father. To bring souls, please God, to a deeper relationship to the Father - there could be no greater reward than this.
Unity with the Father was indeed the main purpose of the incarnation of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We developed these pages in the hope that they may dispel the seeds of error and mistrust, in the hope many souls may benefit from this beautiful message and so grown in that most wonderful and inexpressible peace and joy that is associated with being united with Our Heavenly Father, and living for Him, in and through Our Lord Jesus Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit.
The Original Canonical Investigation
First and foremost it is important to note that the Bishop responsible for the investigation of the claimed appearances of God the Father, Most Reverend Alexandre Caillot, Bishop of Grenoble, conducted one of the most rigorous investigations possible. He entrusted the theological investigation to the best theologians from the ancient and prestigious diocese of Lyon, France. Click here for a more thorough consideration of the original investigation, which concluded in 1945 with 2 important findings: 1. The manifestation was of supernatural origin, and
2. The messages were free of any error of doctrine.
A second imprimatur came from the Vatican itself, from the Vicar General of the Vatican, Cardinal Petrus Lierde: One could not have received a more authoritative Imprimatur than that which was obtained for the writings of Mother Eugenia.
It should also be noted that the Church has never in any way, questioned any of the writings, nor the validity of the original findings of the Bishop where were, incidentally, submitted to Rome before promulgation. There has never been any Church impediment to the spreading of the message or devotion. In other words there is universal acceptance within the Church hierarchy of the orthodoxy of the writings.
Nevertheless, it may well be useful to address some spontaneous questions which may well arise in peoples minds. Hopefully this may be of use to many, who really would like to explore this devotion in a deeper and more powerful way.
1. Can God the Father appear to someone? Has the infinite Godhead ever appeared to anyone else in scriptures and the lives of the Saints? Click Here
2. Can God the Father speak to someone? Are there other examples in the Bible and in the lives of the Saints? Click Here
3. Are there any particular theological issues that need clarification? Click Here
4. Expected Fruits from this devotion: Why it is important to God and to the Church and to the world. Click Here.
5 The life of Mother Eugenia. A life of Virtue. Clearly she was chosen from birth for this exceptional mission Click Here
6 God the Father in the life of St Faustina Kowalska.
For many of you with the simple trust and faith that endures you so much to the Father no explanations are required, and how blessed are you if you fit into this category. The beautiful words of the Father resonate in your soul and you enjoy his loving embrace, without any further need of clarifications. If you fit into this category of souls, please remember us in your prayers as your prayers are so powerful before God.
But some others, also loved by the Father, no doubt, are more questioning by nature and so we have taken the time to assist them so that their doubts may be removed and they can go onto enjoy the wonderful rich fruits of this devotion.
Of course God the Father is infinite and could never be fully contained in an appearance. The manner in which The Father presented Himself fits in this description of manifestation, a beautiful manifestation of the Father's love for us.
Brief Summary of Canonical and Episcopal Approval
1934, Mother Eugenia received the Message from God the Father. It was given in two parts on two different dates.
8th May 1935, Many prayers from Mother Eugenia receive the Imprimatur from Cardinal John (Jean) Verdier, Archbishop of Paris
1936, The Vicar General of the Diocese of Grenoble, Monsignor Emile Guerry, inspired by the message of God the Father writes a book titled in French, Vers le Père, which means Towards the Father. The book is so popular it is translated into 5 other languages. As a result of this work, and his sound reputation, he becomes secretary to the Cardinals and Archbishops of France. In a few years he is to become an Archbishop in France and an outstanding leader in the country. He sat on all the sessions of Vatican II Council.
1945, After 10 years of thorough investigation, not only into the message and its theology, but into the life of Mother Eugenia, Bishop Alexandre Caillot, Bishop of Grenoble gives a wholehearted approval. In the lengthy approval he establishes that Mother Eugenia is a person of excellent reputation and outstanding charisms and a woman with a high level of Christian virtue. He establishes as fact that the apparitions are of supernatural origin. He establishes as fact that the writings are theologically free from error and thus in perfect conformity with the doctrines and teachings of Mother Church.
13th March,1989
The Vicar General of the Vatican, himself a Cardinal - and holding one of the highest position of authority in the whole world, Cardinal Cardinal Petrus van Lierde gives his Imprimatur to the entire message given to Mother Eugenia when he gives the Imprimatur to the beautiful book "Life for the Glory of the Father". This was done during the marvellous pontificate of the Great St John Paul II, when Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, that is Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, was Prefect of the Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith.
20th March, 2009
The Message to Mother Eugenia receives a third Imprimatur when "Life for the Glory of the Father", is reviewed by the Archdiocese of Melbourne.
The message has been translated into scores of languages worldwide, with nothing other than wholehearted approval from Ecclesiastical Authorities throughout the world.
For anyone needing any further proof of the favour of this message within the Church please reflect on the fact that the opponents of the message cannot quote a single person of authority within the Church. There is an important reason why they do not do this: No one of authority has ever said anything against the devotion, period.
Be at peace then and allow this beautiful message to transform your heart, your soul and your life.

Meet Mother Eugenia. Discover a little of her amazing life. Her cause for Beatification and Canonisation has been opened

Pictured Above,
The original icon of God the Father as He requested to be represented.

St Faustina and Her Experiences with God the Father
She had a vision of God the Father herself, and God the Father spoke with her. Discover her unique and wonderful relationship with God the Father.