Devotion to God the Father
As Communicated to Mother Eugenia Ravasio
Theological Issues?
There are absolutely no doctrinal difficulties but there is one sentence which has caused some to raise their eyebrows and to seek explanation of what exactly is meant. The sentence in question is this.
"All those who call me by the name of Father, even if only once, will not perish, but will be sure of their eternal life among the chosen ones."
However, elsewhere in the work, the other conditions for the salvation offered are mentioned. The first is love : “Is it possible that, having called Me your Father and having shown your love for Me, you could find in Me such a hard and insensitive heart as to let you perish? The second condition is repentance: "I will forgive you after you have repented."
Then elswhere The Father unveils the mechanism by which this promise is fulfilled:
“If you love Me and call Me by the sweet name of Father, you will begin to live, here and now, in the love, and the trust which will make you happy in eternity and which you will sing in heaven in the company of the elect. Is this not a foretaste of the happiness of heaven, which will last forever?”
An insight into how the promise would be fulfilled in a person who subsequently falls away from God is given in The Message where Our God tells in great details of an example of a long-offending soul who is facing sudden death but is not in a state of grace. Before breathing his last the soul confesses his sins, seeks forgiveness and acknowledging God as his Father and Saviour. After calling God his Father, the man is judged with a paternal love and he is saved even though he had to spend a period of time in Purgatory. This example shows The Message to be in complete compliance with Church dogma.
Before giving further explanation, it should be noted that if you are Catholic then the Imprimatur should really be sufficient. Nevertheless it is a beautiful thing to see and recount and explore the beautiful promises of salvation offered both here in the message to Sr Eugenia and in other instances in the history of the Church, as all of these promises testify to the great love of God for souls, his yearning to save souls, and the infinite power of His grace.
To summarise The phrase in the context of the whole message is to be understood in this manner:
If anyone repentant and full of confidence in the love of the Father to us His Children, should surrender themselves to the Father and lovingly and trustingly call upon Him, then the Father will give them the grace either of conversion here and now, but especially at the hour of death He will remember that act of love and give them such an extraordinary infusion of grace such as is necessary for their eternal salvation.
It is obvious from a consideration of the whole of the message that the manner in which one calls "Father" is of utmost importance. If one said "Father", but with indifference or even worse with disdain or contempt, or in mockery, then it is quite clear that the promise would not be fulfilled in them. The person needs to call upon the Father from the depths of their soul with love and trust and confidence.
The Father understands that a lack of confidence in one's eternal destiny is a ploy of the devil to have people put their trust in worldly things and sinful things. The Father wants to fill his children with such trust that they become willing to turn their backs on the false promises of worldly and sinful temptations.
Jesus said, "We can judge a tree by its fruits." When one allows one's heart to respond to this sentence, a wonderful transforming effect can be received in one's soul. It can install in the heart and soul an extraordinary trust in the Father's love and goodness and intention for our redemption and eternal happiness. Is not such hope the key to true conversion? One may here the objection that this sentence could lead to presumption. But no, not at all. The Father complained to Sr Eugenia about so many souls throwing themselves into the abyss of hell because they have not understood or responded to His love. When one reads the whole of the message given to Sr Eugenia it is clear that the Father is seeking our total transformation in His love, and moreover that coming to a profound understanding of the Father's love is a key to conversion.
This one sentence also tells us a great deal about the Father.
God the Father's love is so great for us, beyond anything we can imagine. He is faithful beyond our comprehension.
This is not the first time extraordinary promises of salvation have been promised by God.
The grace of salvation is promised by Jesus Christ to all those who complete the 9 First Fridays.
The grace of salvation is promised by Our Lady to all those who complete the 5 First Saturdays as requested by Our Lady of Fatima.
Then there are the more recent promises made to Saint Faustina with promises of Salvation for those who do certain things:
"I promise that the soul that venerates this image (of the Divine Mercy)will not perish."
Those who pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy:
1. “The souls that say this chaplet will be embraced by My mercy during their lifetime and especially at the hour of their death.” (Diary, 754) This is effectively a promise of salvation.
2. “When they say this chaplet in the presence of the dying, I will stand between My Father and the dying person, not as a just Judge but as a merciful Savior.” (Diary, 1541) This is effectively a promise of salvation for the dying person for whom the Chaplet is offered.
For those who Spread the Mercy of God
"Souls who spread the honour of My mercy I shield through their entire life as a tender mother her infant, and at the hour of death, I will not be a judge for them, but a Merciful Savior… I shall protect them Myself at the hour of death as My own glory.”
My own understanding of how God fulfils His promise is something like this. He fills the dying person who has done one of those things above with the overwhelming gift of His presence and such an infusion of Divine Grace that the person at the same time, filled with joy and peace, both embrace God wholeheartedly and reject all those sins of their past, and is given the grace of salvation.
Clearly God can do whatever He wants. He is all powerful. If the Father promises to save all of those who even call upon Him (lovingly and with trust) "Father", once, then he can effect their salvation, just as He can effect the salvation of those who do the more complicated things such as the First Fridays, Saturdays, or comply with the Scapular demands.
Please do not pay attention to any purportedly "Catholic" sites which write negative things about the devotion. Any such site is not in union with the Church but is acting against the Church, and are in defiance of Canon Law, which prohibits such material and public objection, once an imprimatur has been given.
Please note that since 1925 when the Bishop first instigated the enquiry, the Church has never made any negative pronouncement at all about this devotion. There has not been any negative pronouncement ever. That in itself speaks volumes since some nearly 95 years has lapsed since the initial alleged apparitions. There can be no doubt that the Vatican has over this period of nearly 100 years has received numerous enquires from Bishops and others regarding the devotion.
So we can in fact be 100 % confident in the message that was so beautifully transmitted to Mother Eugenia.
Let us conclude this page with some beautiful words from the Father:
​ "Come to Me, come with confidence and love! Even if your sins were as repulsive as mud, your confidence and your love will make Me forget them, so you will not be judged! I am just, it is true, but love pays for everything!”
“If you love Me and call Me by the sweet name of Father, you will begin to live, here and now, in the love, and the trust which will make you happy in eternity and which you will sing in heaven in the company of the elect. Is this not a foretaste of the happiness of heaven, which will last forever?”