Devotion to God the Father
As Communicated to Mother Eugenia Ravasio
St Faustina Maria Kowalska of the Blessed Sacrament
St Faustina Kowalska is one of the most famous saints of the 20th Century, and was the first Saint canonised in the new millennium. She is so well known for her beautiful relationship with Jesus, but what is not known so well is that the goal of her existence and spirituality was to live in unity with Jesus as an offering to the Father.
When we see the statements made by St Faustina we see that she was living faithfully the message of the Father to Sr Eugenia to its perfection even though we can safely say that St Faustina never came across the message.
The Father is mentioned on numerous occasions in the Diary of St Faustina, and these we will present in full in the script below. But firstly we would like to convey to you the very last words she spoke to her confessor Blessed Father Sopocko just the week before her death when she was on her death bed.
St Faustina told Blessed Sopocko on 26th September 1938,
“My one occupation is to live in the presence of my Heavenly Father.” Memoirs of Blessed Sopocko p5
St Faustina herself had a vision of God the Father
Diary 60 I saw a great radiance and, in the midst of it, God the Father.
Diary 994 my spirit was suddenly drowned in God, and divine love flooded my soul; I dwelt for a moment with the heavenly Father.
God the Father Spoke to St Faustina
Diary 626 In the evening, during Benediction, my soul was for some time in communion with God the Father. I felt I was in His hand like a little child, and I heard these words in my soul: Do not fear anything, My daughter; all the adversaries will be shattered at My feet. At these words, a deep peace and a great interior calm entered my soul.
Just three paragraphs further in the Diary, St Faustina received another message from the Father:
Diary 629 I felt like a child in the hands of the best of fathers, and I heard these words: "Do not fear anything. I am always with you. His love penetrated my whole being. I felt I was entering into such close intimacy with Him that (87) I cannot find words to express it."
Diary 239 O Jesus, and today I offer myself together with you to God, Your Father and mine, as a sacrifice of love and praise. Father of Mercy, look upon the sacrifice of my heart, but through the wound in the Heart of Jesus.
Diary 242 +O God, how much I desire to be a small child. You are my Father, and You know how little and weak I am. So I beg You, keep me close by Your side all my life and especially at the hour of my death.
Diary 356 O Blessed Host, in whom is contained the mercy of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit toward us, and especially toward poor sinners.
O Blessed Host, in whom is contained the fire of purest love which blazes forth from the bosom of the Eternal Father, as from an abyss of infinite mercy for us, and especially for poor sinners.
Diary 357 God is my Father and so I, His child, have every claim to His divine Heart; and the greater the darkness, the more complete our trust should be.
Diary 451 Once after Holy Communion, I heard these words: You are Our dwelling place. At that moment, I felt in my soul the presence of the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I felt that I was the temple of God. I felt I was a child of the Father.
Diary 472 I knew, more distinctly, than ever before, the Three divine Persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But their being, their equality, and their majesty are one. My soul is in communion with these Three; but I do not know how to express this in words; yet, my soul understands it well. Whoever is united to One of the Three Persons is thereby united to the whole Blessed Trinity, for this Oneness is indivisible. This vision, or rather, this knowledge filled my soul with unimaginable happiness, because God is so great. What I am describing I did not see with me eyes, as on previous occasions, but in a purely interior manner, in a purely spiritual way, independent of the senses. This continued until the end of Holy Mass.
Diary 486 Jesus, when You come to me in Holy Communion, You who, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, have deigned to dwell in the little heaven of my heart, I try to keep You company throughout the day, I do not leave You alone for even a moment.
Diary 491 When I entered the chapel, once again the majesty of God overwhelmed me. I felt that I was immersed in God, totally immersed in Him and penetrated by Him, being aware of how much the heavenly Father loves us.
Diary 505 With the confidence of a child, I throw myself into Your arms, O Father of Mercy, to make up for the unbelief of so many souls who are afraid to trust in You. Oh, how very few souls really know You! How ardently I desire that the Feast of Mercy be known by souls! Mercy is the crown of Your works; You provide for all with the love of a most tender mother.
Diary I went at once before the Blessed Sacrament and offered myself with Jesus, present in the Most Holy Sacrament, to the Everlasting Father.
Diary He (that is Jesus) told me that the most perfect and holy soul is the one that does the will of My Father, but there are not many such, and that He looks with special love upon the soul who lives His will. And Jesus told me that I was doing the will of God perfectly …… and for this reason I am uniting Myself with you and communing with you in a special and intimate way.
Diary 604 The Heavenly Father will recognize and glorify our soul to the extent that He sees in us a resemblance to His Son. I understood that this assimilation into Jesus is granted to us while we are here on earth
Diary 606 When the burden of the battle becomes too much for me, I throw myself like a child into the arms of the heavenly Father
Diary 615 And so I too cry out to God, the Eternal Father,.....
Diary 626 In the evening, during Benediction, my soul was for some time in communion with God the father. I felt I was in His hand like a little child, and I heard these words in my soul: Do not fear anything, My daughter; all the adversaries will be shattered at My feet. At these words, a deep peace and a great interior calm entered my soul.
Diary 629 I felt like a child in the hands of the best of fathers, and I heard these words: Do not fear anything. I am always with you. His love penetrated my whole being. I felt I was entering into such close intimacy with Him that (87) I cannot find words to express it.
Diary 648 I offered myself, together with the dying Jesus, to the Eternal Father, for the salvation of the whole world. With Jesus, through Jesus (105) and in Jesus is my communion with You, Eternal Father.
Diary 668 During Holy Mass, I offered myself completely to the heavenly Father through the sweetest Heart of Jesus; let Him do as He pleases with me.
Diary 669 I am learning how to be good from Jesus, from Him who is goodness itself, so that I may be called a daughter of the heavenly Father.
Diary 734 I feel that I am being lifted up above earth and heaven into the inner life of God, where I come to know the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, but always in the unity of majesty.
Diary 780 O my God, how I pity those people who do not believe in eternal life; how I pray for them that a ray of mercy would envelop them too, and that God would clasp them to His fatherly bosom.
Diary 836 O most sweet Jesus who, in Your incomprehensible kindness, have deigned to unite my wretched heart to Your most merciful Heart, it is with Your own Heart that I glorify God, our Father, as no soul has ever glorified Him before.
Diary 854 Father of infinite mercy, I, Your child, wait longingly for Your coming.
Diary 918 When will I find myself in the house of our Father, delighting in the happiness that streams from the Most Holy Trinity
In the well known praises of the Divine Mercy, the very first praise is directed to the Father: ​
"Divine Mercy, gushing forth from the bosom of the Father, I trust in You."
Diary 956 + After these words, the knowledge of God’s will came to me; that is to say, I now see everything from a higher point of view and accept all events and things, pleasant and unpleasant, with love, as tokens of the heavenly Father’s special affection.
Diary 1032 Join your sufferings to My Passion and offer them to the heavenly Father for sinners.
Diary 1061 After these words, I wept no more, but thanked the heavenly Father for having sent us His Son and for the work of the Redemption of mankind.
Diary 1073 . Low Sunday; that is, the Feast of Mercy. In the morning, after Holy Communion, my soul was immersed in the Godhead. I was united to the Three Divine persons in such a way that when I was united to Jesus, I was simultaneously united to the Father and to the Holy Spirit, My soul was flooded with joy beyond understanding
Diary 1121 After Holy Communion, I communed for a while with the heavenly Father……. Such tremendous love for the heavenly Father enveloped me that I call this day an uninterrupted ecstasy of love. The whole universe seemed to me like a tiny drop in comparison with God.
Diary 1122 Father of great mercy, I desire that all hearts turn with confidence to Your infinite mercy. No one will be justified before You if he is not accompanied by Your unfathomable mercy. When You reveal the mystery of Your mercy to us, there will not be enough of eternity to properly thank You for it.
Diary 1177 For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, I will entreat the heavenly Father for the whole world.
Diary 1201 I united myself to Jesus Crucified, and I implored the heavenly Father on behalf of sinners.
Diary 1210 Divine Mercy Novena: The Father is mentioned numerous times and on each day the Father is addressed 2 or 3 times as the person to whom the Novena is addressed.
Diary 1264 Jesus-Host, whom I have this very moment received into my heart, through this union with You I offer myself to the heavenly Father as a sacrificial host…… Whatever Your fatherly hand gives me, I will accept with submission, peace and joy
Diary 1265 Prayer. O Jesus, stretched out upon the cross, I implore You, give me the grace of doing faithfully the most holy will of Your Father, in all things, always and everywhere…… O Jesus, stretched out upon the cross, I implore You, give me the grace of doing faithfully the most holy will of Your Father, in all things, always and everywhere.
Diary 1279 . As His child, I felt that everything the heavenly Father possessed was equally mine. He Himself lifted me from the ground up to His Heart. I felt that everything that existed was exclusively mine, but I had no desire for it all, because God alone is enough for me.
Diary 1439 . I remained alone with the Heavenly Father.
Diary 1485 Jesus;
Child, do not run away from your Father; be willing to talk openly with your God of mercy who wants to speak words of pardon and lavish his graces on you.
Diary 1486 Jesus:
Jesus calls out again: My child, listen to the voice of your merciful Father.
Jesus: What joy fills My Heart when you return to me. Because you are weak, I take you in My arms and carry you to the home of My Father.
Now I understand Your mercy, which protects me, and like a brilliant star, leads me into the home of my Father.
Diary1543 Entrust yourself completely to Me at the hour of death, and I will present you to My Father as My bride. And now I recommend that you unite, in a special way, even your smallest deeds to My merits, and then My Father will look upon them with love as if they were My own.
Diary 1582 When You tell me, O God, that it is enough, that Your holy will has been completely accomplished, then, my Savior, in union with You, I will commit my soul into the hands of the Heavenly Father
Diary 1616 I see that this earthly vessel is beginning to crumble.I rejoice in this, (16) because soon I will be in my Father’s house.
Diary 1819 Today, my soul has the disposition of a child. I united myself to God as a child to its father. I feel completely like a child of God. When I had received Holy Communion, I had a deeper knowledge of the heavenly Father and of His Fatherhood in relation to souls.